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IGNOU BCA BCS-011 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions download | Ignou Study Helper

IGNOU BCA First semester TEE exam guide book study material download. BCS 011 1st semester term-end exam notes/ important questions, previous or old paper with solution, guess questions/ paper with solutions/ solved. IGNOU BCA/ MCA all semester new revised (1st semester, 2nd semester, 3rd semester, 4th semester, 5th semester and 6th semester) solved assignments, term-end exam notes, study materials, important questions, books/blocks (June-December) free download.

IGNOU BCA BCS-011 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions free download

IGNOU BCA BCS-011 1st semester Term-End Examination (Computer Basics and PC Software) books/ block, term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper, important questions, study materials, previous year papers download.

Content: - 
Download BCS 011 guide book include following topic question are available with solution.
Questions Paper
June  2019 solved
December  2018 solved
Chapter-1       Basic of Computer Hardware
Unit-1 Computer their Origin and Applications
Unit-2 Functioning of a Computer
Unit-3 Memory System
Unit-5 My Personal Computer
Chapter-2       Basic of Computer Software
Unit-1 Software Evolution
Unit-2 Operating System
Unit-3 Concept in Programming Language
Unit-4 Computer Applications
Chapter-3       Internet Technologies
Unit-1 Networking and Internet
Unit-2 Web Application-1
Unit-3 Web Application-2
Note :- If you not get guide book after payment then mail us.


1. (a) What is a computer system ? Explain Von-Neumann architecture of computer systems with the help of a diagram.
(b) What is a flow chart ? Draw a flow chart to find the average of three given natural numbers.
(c) What is open source software ? Explain open source development model.
(d) What is software project management ? Explain the following with respect to software project management :
(i) Scheduling
(ii) Time sheet Management
(e) What is Internet ? Explain the basic structure of Internet with the help of a diagram.
(f) What is social networking ? Briefly explain its advantages and disadvantages.

2. (a) What is URL ? Explain the parts of a URL with the help of an example.
(b) What is ASCII ? Explain how Unicode is different from ASCII.
(c) What is a motherboard ? List and briefly explain any five parts of a motherboard.

3. (a) What is the need of memory hierarchy in computer systems ? Compare magnetic memory with semiconductor memory in terms of speed and cost.
(b) What are malwares ? Explain any three malware, in brief, with the help of an example of each
(c) What is a Compiler ? How is it different from Interpreter ? List any two high level languages, that use a Compiler.

4. (a) What is a Web Browser ? Explain how a Web Browser works. Also, explain the types of Web Browsers.
(b) What is a programming language ? Briefly explain the following elements of a programming language :
(i) Variable
(ii) Data type
(c) What is an operating system ? Explain the following functions of an operating system :
(i) File Management
(ii) Memory Management

5. Explain any five of the following with the help of an example/diagram, if needed :
(i) Input Output Devices
(ii) Binary Number System
(iii) Utility Software
(iv) Spreadsheet
(v) Object Oriented Language
(vi) Networking Devices
(vii) Search Engine

IGNOU BCA BCS-011 1st semester Term-End Examination (Computer Basics and PC Software) term-end exam notes  Download    


1. (a) Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to equivalent binary and decimal :
(i) (F4) 16
(ii) (AC)16
(b) A 3 inch diameter disk per track has 8 plates (16 recording surfaces), 256 sectors per track, 4096 tracks per surface, 512 bytes per sector. Calculate the disk capacity in GB.
(c) What is a flow chart ? Draw a flow chart to find the maximum of three given natural numbers.
(d) What is a laser printer ? Compare its features with an ink-jet printer.
(e) What is a desktop computer ? Give a generic configuration of a desktop computer.
(f) What is E-mail ? Explain how an E-mail account is created. Also list the folders available in an E-mail account.
(g) What is E-learning ? What are its advantages and disadvantages ? List the steps of the process of creating of E-learning content.

2. (a) What is data communication ? Explain data communication process with the help of a diagram.
(b) What is a device driver ? Are device drivers hardware dependent ? Justify your answer.List four devices which require device drivers.
(c) What is a subroutine ? Explain the steps of subroutine execution. Write a subroutine to find the sum of two given positive integers.

3. (a) Explain OSI reference model of computer network.
(b) What is a search engine ? Explain three categories of search engines.
(c) Explain any five major areas of application of computer systems.

4. (a) What is main memory ? Differentiate among RAM, Semiconductor memories and Cache memory.
(b) What is application software ? How is application software different from system software ? List the names of two application and two system softwares.
(c) What is wild ? Explain the characteristics of wild. Explain the uses of wild for a university.

5. Explain any five of the following with the help of an/a example/diagram, if needed :
(i) Collaborations with the context of Internet
(ii) LAN and WAN
(iii) Basic Storage Devices
(iv) Disk Management
(v) Computer Virus
(vi) Software Licensing
(vii) Object Oriented Language

IGNOU BCA BCS-011 1st semester Term-End Examination (Computer Basics and PC Software) term-end exam notes  Download    


1. (a) Draw a flow chart to input a natural number, such as 997, and determine whether or not it is a multiple of 3.
(b) In a local area network of star topology,one component failed, bringing down the 'whole network. Predict which component has failed. Justify your answer.
(c) Describe two similarities and two differences between a router and a gateway.
(d) What is a Wild ? How does it promote content creation by the community ?
(e) Explain the Von Neumann's architecture with the help of a diagram.
(f) Describe if statement. Write an if statement to multiply even numbers by 3 and odd numbers by 4.
(g) What is a trackball ? How does it work and where is it used ?
(h) What is an operating system ? What are its functions and uses ? Name any one proprietary and one open source operating system.

2. (a) Describe the layers of TCP/IP reference model.
(b) What is a defragmentation utility and what does it do ? What are the benefits of defragmentation ?
(c) What are the threats to security from the Internet ? What are the mechanisms available to afeguard oneself from them ?

3. (a) What is the use of a compiler in a computer system ? How is it different from an interpreter ?
(b) What are the components of the process for developing e-learning content on any subject ? Describe briefly the activities carried out in each, with the help of a diagram / example.
(c) Why is a memory hierarchy used in a computer system ? Explain the memory hierarchy diagrammatically, giving the changing characteristics of the memory as we traverse the hierarchy.

4. (a) What is meant by mailmerge ? Describe the concept by giving the steps involved in sending a letter to the students of a class giving their grades in different subjects. 
(b) Describe the features, mechanisms,advantages and limitations of each of the following data transmission media :
(i) Twisted Pair Cable
(ii) Microwaves
(iii) Infrared

5. Explain any five of the following with the help of diagrams and examples as appropriate :
(a) Unicode
(b) Arrays
(c) Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Communication
(d) Firewall
(e) Laser Printer
(f) Table of Contents in Microsoft Word

IGNOU BCA BCS-011 1st semester Term-End Examination (Computer Basics and PC Software) term-end exam notes  Download    

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