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IGNOU BCA MCA MCS-014 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions free download

IGNOU BCA 3rd and MCA 1st semester MCS 014 term-end exam notes, important question, old previous year questions paper with solution, study material download. All semester new revised (1st semester, 2nd semester, 3rd semester, 4th semester, 5th semester and 6th semester) solved assignments, term-end exam notes, study materials, important questions, books/blocks (June-December) free download.
IGNOU BCA MCA MCS-014 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers,important questions free download

IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-014 3rd semester Term-End Examination (SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN) books/block,term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper, important questions, study materials, previous year papers download.

IGNOU BCA, MCA MCS 014 term-end exam notes with solution download



Chapter - 1


Chapter - 2

System Analysis

Chapter - 3

System Design

Chapter - 4

File and Database Design

Chapter - 5


Chapter - 6

System and Case Tools

Chapter - 7

SRS and Audit Trail

Chapter - 8

E-R Model and DFD

Chapter - 9

Solved Old Term-End Exam Papers (June 2014 to June 2019)

Chapter - 10

Sample Question Set



1. (a) What is the role of a system analyst in system development ? Explain any six attributes of a                 good system analyst.
(b) What is modularity ? How can modularity in design be achieved ? Explain the advantages of                modular design.
(c) What is MIS ? What are the various functions of MIS in a business organization ?
(d) What is the need of feasibility study of an information system ? Explain the different                           operational feasibility issues of a system.
(e) What is database design ? Explain the different issues involved in the designing of a database.

2. (a) What is cost and effort estimation.? Give a brief explanation of any cost and effort estimation               model.
(b) What is decision table ? Design a decision table for Library Management System.Make                       appropriate assumptions.
(c) Explain the responsibility and authority of the system auditor.

3. (a) What is DFD ? Draw a DFD (0 and 1 level) for Online Admission System to offer online
  admission to graduate and post graduate students of a university.
(b) Explain the steps and activities in the testing and maintenance phases of SDLC.

4. (a) What is Decision Support System (DSS) ? What are its basic characteristics ? Briefly
 explain the various components of DSS,with the help of a diagram.
(b) Draw the object interaction diagram for a system of your choice.
(c) What is a report ? Briefly explain the criteria for report design.

5. Write short notes on the following :
    (a) Software Quality Assurance
    (b) CASE Tools
    (c) Real Time System
    (d) Software Documentation

1. (a) Draw a 0-level and 1-level DFD of a library information system. Make necessary assumptions. 
    (b) Explain the term 'Feasibility study'. Explain the categories of feasibility with suitable                           examples. 
(c) Explain waterfall model with the help of a diagram. How is it different from spiral model ?                   Explain the merits and demerits of both the models.
(d) Differentiate between various types of file organisations.
(e) Explain the term MIS. Explain the components of a transaction processing system with suitable          diagram.

2. (a) Construct an Entity Relationship diagram for an airlines reservation system.
    (b) What is meant by the term CASE ? Describe the various components and tools of CASE.
    (c) Explain the terms 'User manual' and `System documentation'.

3. (a) What is the relevance of an Information Security Architecture in MIS ? Draw its diagram.
    (b) Differentiate between System Analysis andSystem Design. What are the issues and constraints             to be taken care of while designing a software product ?
    (c) Differentiate between Reverse engineering and Forward engineering. What is meant by a                    legacy system ?

4. (a) Prepare SRS for a "University admission system". Make necessary assumptions.
    (b) Differentiate between coupling and cohesion. Explain the various types of coupling.
    (c) What is meant by "User Interface" ? What are the basic guidelines to design a user interface ?

5. (a) What are the essential criteria for form design and report design ? Explain.
    (b) Explain software maintenance and differentiate between various types of software                                 maintenance. 
    (c) Give any one method of cost benefit analysis and explain it.

IGNOU BCA 1st or MCA MCS-014 Term-End Examination (SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN) term-end exam notes Download   

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