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BSHF-101/FHS-01 (Foundation Course Humanities & Social Sciences) Soon...
FST-01 (Foundation Course in Science and Technology)
FEG-01 (Foundation Course in English)
FHD-02 (Foundation Course in Hindi-2)
FEG-02 (English)
BEGE-101 (From Language to Literature)
EEG-02 (The Structure of Modern English)
EEG-03 (Communication Skills in English)
EEG-04 (English for Practical Purposes)
EEG-05 (Understanding Prose)
EEG-06 (Understanding Poetry)
EEG-07 (Understanding Drama)
EEG-08 (Reading the Novel)
EHD-01 (Hindi Gadya)
EHD-02 (Hindi Kavya)
EHD-03 (Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas evam Shaitya Parichay)
EHD-04 (Madhyakaleen Bharatiya Sahitya: Samaj aur Sanskrit)
EHD-05 (Adhunik Bharatiya Sahitya: Navjagaran aur Rashtriya Chetna)
EHD-06 (Hindi Bhasha: Itihas aur Vartman)
EHD-07 (Hindi samrachna)
Political Science
EPS-11 (Political Ideas and Ideologies)
EPS-12 (Government & Politics in India)
EPS-03 (Modern India Political Thought)
EPS-15 (South Asia: Economy Society)
EPS-06 (Government & Politics in East)
EPS-07 (International Relations)
EPS-08 (Government and Politics in Australia)
EPS-09 (Comparative Government and Politics)
EHI-1 (Modern India 1857-1964)
EHI-2 (India: Earliest Times to 8 th Century A.D)
EHI-3 (India Form 8 th to 15 th Century A.D)
EHI-4 (India From 16 th to Mid 18 th Century A.D)
EHI-05 (India from Mid 18 th to Mis 19 th Century)
EHI-06 (History of China and Japan 1840-1949)
EHI-07 (Modern Europe: Mid 18th to Mid 20th Century)
Public Administration
EPA-1 (Administrative Theory)
BPAE-102 (Indian Administration)
EPA-3 (Development Administration)
EPA-4 (Personnel Administration)
EPA-5 (Financial Administration)
EPA-6 (Public Policy)
ESO-11 (The Study of Society)
ESO-12 (Society in India)
ESO-13 (Sociological Thought)
ESO-14 (Society and Stratification)
ESO-15 (Society and Religion)
ESO-16 (Social Problems in India)
BPY-001 (India Philosophy: Part 1)
BPY-002 (Logic: Classical and symbolic)
BPY-003 (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy)
BPY-004 (Religions of the World)
BPY-005 (India Philosophy: Part-2)
BPY-006 (Metaphysics) BPY-006 (Metaphysics)
BPY-007 (Ethics)
BPY-008 (Modern Western Philosophy)
BPY-009 (Contemporary Western Philosophy)
BPY-010 (Epistemology)
BPY-011 (Philosophy of Human Persons)
BPY-012 (Philosophy of Science and Cosmology)
BPYE-1 (Philosophy of Religion)
BPYE-2 (Tribal and Dalit Philosophy)
BECE-002 (India Economic Development: Issues and Perspectives)
BECE-015 (Elementary Mathematical Methods in Economic Decelopment)
BECE-016 (Economic Development Comparative)
EEC-10 (National Income Accounting)
EEC-11 (Fundamentals of economics)
EEC-13 (Elementary Statistical Methods and Survey Techniques)
EEC-07 (Industrial Development)EEC-07 (Industrial Development)
EEC-14 (Agricultural Development in India)
AFW-(E) (Feature Writing)
AWR-(E) (Writing for Radio)
BHDA-101 (Samachar Lekhan aur Feature)
ATR-1 (Translation)
ACS-1 (Consumer Studies- ACS-1)
CTE-03 (Teaching English)
CTE-04 (Teaching English(Elementary School))
CTE-05 (Teaching English (Secondary School))
BCOA-001 (Business Communication and Enterperneurship)
APM-1 (Integrated Pest Management)
AEC-1 (Environment Chemistry)
AST-01 (Teaching of primary School Mathematics)
AED-1 (Export Procedures and Documentation)