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IGNOU BCA BCS-055 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers,important questions free download

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IGNOU BCA BCS-055 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers,important questions free download

IGNOU BCA BCS-055 5th semester Term-End Examination (BUSINESS COMMUNICATION) books/block,term-end exam notes,upcoming guess paper,important questions,study materials,previous year papers download.


1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :


For many years after independence,language policy had largely been held hostage by the perception of the English language as a 'colonial relic'. However,English is no longer a British tongue — it is

more the language of international business,and a powerful key in opening up geographical borders and gaining access to markets. It is the language of science and research, with 90 per cent of papers across scientific journals written in English. It dominates the chatter of the Information Age — 80 per cent of the worldwide web is in the English language. It has been estimated hat within a decade half the world's population will have some skill in English. A commitment towards learning English was

part of China's bid to host the Olympic Games, to the point that taxi drivers who failed an English test did not have their licences renewed and hotlines were set up to 'report incorrect English use in public spaces.Most countries are fast recognizing English's role as a world language, and besides China,
nations such as Japan, South Korea and Indonesia are including English as a compulsory language in their schools and setting up 'English-immersion camps' for students.
India has an advantage in the global market in the depth and breadth of its English-language apability. Today Indians have embraced the idea of English as the language of the globalizing Indian economy.
Most middle-class Indians speak in at least two tongues — besides their mother tongue,they have at least functional fluency in English for business purposes and to manage communication with different communities.
Over the last fifty years, English has grown deeper roots in the Indian community,beyond purely economic value. Its reach has spread — to print, film, television and ordinary conversation. English has rapidly become the language of creative discourse —and while Indian writers writing in English
have remarked that they often face hecklers at their readings who demand to know why they do not write in their mother tongue,such criticism has become marginal in recent years. These Indian writers once called `dissenters' and 'mavericks' now include Amitav Ghosh, who have attained a status in
English literature that has moved far beyond the exotic value of an Indian writing in the language.
(a) Suggest an appropriate title to the passage and give your reasons for it.
(b) What is meant by the term 'colonial relic' ?
(c) Explain the meaning of the phrase 'a powerful key in opening up geographical borders and gaining access to markets'.
(d) Give instances from the passage which suggest that English is now an international language.
(e) English has grown deeper roots in the Indian community, beyond purely economic value." Discuss in the light of the passage.

2. (a) Find words/phrases from the passage (i.e.Reading text) which are similar in meaning to the following words/phrases :
(i) notion (para 1)
(ii) an opportunity to enter (para 1)
(iii) people who pester and taunt (para 3)
(iv) non-conformists (para 3)
(v) alien (para 3)
(b) Find words from the passage which mean the opposite to the following words :
(i) local (para 1)
(ii) optional (para 1)
(iii) slowly (para 3)
(iv) praise (para 3)
(v) seminal (para 3)

3. (a) Complete the passage using the correct forms of the verbs and expressions in the box. You may change the tense of the verbs.
• set aside money
• pay good interest
• have a budget
• got an allowance
• keep track of
When Sunil was growing up, he was careful with his money. He every week from his parents, and because he wanted to go to college, he every month. He opened a savings account that , so his savings grew. In college, he didn't have much money, but he and stuck to it. He the money he spent, and when he bought things, he always paid in cash.
(b) Write questions for the answers given below. Use the question words in the brackets.
(i) He works for the Perfect Health Magazine. (Which ?)
(ii) He lives in Chennai. (Where ?)
(iii) He goes out of town three or four times a month. (How often ?)
(iv) He often meets important doctors.(Who ?)
(v) He writes about preventive health.(What ?)

4. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Some safe and unsafe topics for small talk
(b) Difference between a Portfolio and a Resume
(c) Features and uses of a Memo
(d) Different kinds of Reports

5. Your street is not being properly cleaned. Write a letter of complaint to the Health Officer of your
area clearly stating
• the state of your street
• why it is not cleaned
• when was it last cleaned
• how to solve the problem


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it :
It is easy for writers to assume that readers are mirror-images of themselves, with matching
interests and needs; but only in highly specialized writing is that often true. If you are writing for a
high-level research journal, you can reasonably assume that other high-level researchers are

much like you. But in most professional contexts,your readers will want to use the information to
meet needs different from yours in particular,in reports within industrial organizations, the
amount of detail needed will vary considerably as information rises through the management
hierarchy. In general, the higher the managerial level of your readers, the more their interests
move from the technical how and why to the more commercial to what purpose and at what cost.
It is often helpful to sit and consider just what your reader will do after reading your paper : file it, reach for the phone, write a memorandum, sigh deeply, build some apparatus,write a cheque, arrange a meeting, sign an order,delegate someone to talk to you, re-use the information in an examination, or apologize to you ? Such speculation is not an invasion of privacy! It is a necessary part of bringing exactly into focus the aim of the document. Many documents fail because writers have not thought
enough or clearly about their aims. Many writers are content with vague ideas about the use of the
document.We are not saying that writers never consider their aims -just that they rarely consider them
enough. Tactics must be based not on a half-conscious assumption, but on a detailed examination of the aims, which brings those aims fully into consciousness. We know of no better way of starting this process than visualising what, specifically and physically, your reader will do with the document.
When you have an important paper to write,try to write yourself a short job specification-a few sentences outlining your objectives, audience,constraints, and possible procedures. This 'target
statement' will help you cross the mental barrier between a lazy, half-formed idea, and a clear
idea. As so often, the act of writing down an idea transforms it. Try writing a target statement for
the next piece of writing you undertake.
(a) Answer the questions given below :
(i) Writers assume that "readers are mirror-images of themselves". What does this phrase mean ? In what sort of writing is this true ?
(ii) What kind of information do the managers who are higher up in the hierarchy prefer ?
(iii) Why do several pieces of writing fail ?
(iv) What is the author suggesting a writer should do, if s/he has an important document to write ? 2
(v) Give a title to the passage.
(b) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following :
(i) differ (Paragraph 1)
(ii) a system of organisation in which people have different ranks or positions depending on how important they are (Paragraph1)
(iii) pertaining to scientific and industrial topics (Paragraph1)
(iv) involving business (Paragraph 1)
(v) give someone the duty of acting on your behalf (Paragraph 2)
(vi) thinking about the possible effects of something (Paragraph 2)
(vii) not clear (Paragraph 2)
(viii) methods that are used in order to achieve what you want when you are dealing with other people (Paragraph 3)
(ix) imagining what something is like by forming a mental picture of it (Paragraph 3)
(x) something that limits or controls (Paragraph 4)

2. Fill in the blanks with will, would, shall or should.
(i) When my sister was three years old, she______ tear the pages of my book.
(ii) Your jacket is torn. You_______ get it repaired.
(iii) The accountant has promised that he______disburse the salary tomorrow.
(iv) _______you return my book as soon as possible ?
(v) We _____ avoid telephoning anyone late in the night.

3. Complete the following sentences with the past or past perfect form of the verbs given in brackets.
Each blank is of 1/2 mark.
(i) There_______ (be) no one in the school at 4 pm. Everyone (leave) by then.
(ii) I _______ (feel) very nervous in my first flight to Mumbai as I (never, fly) before.
(iii) I ______ (can) not recognise my old classmate Rahul, he (grow) very tall and fat.
(iv) Since I_____ (not, visit) my uncle for_____ (feel) guilty.
(v) My son _____ (look) very happy when he______ (see) the new puppy on the floor.

4. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Organizing a Portfolio
(ii) Group Discussions
(iii) Features of a Memo
(iv) Communication across Cultures

5. You are visiting a business associate in Singapore. S/he already knows about your visit.Write an e-mail to her/him giving information about your arrival date, day and time. Request for a pick-up at the airport.

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