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IGNOU BCA BCS-053 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions free download

IGNOU BCA fifth semester BCS 053 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions with solutions download. IGNOU BCS 053 term-end exam notes with solutions. We provided bca term-end exam notes with solution for ignou student help in exam. IGNOU BCA/MCA all semester new revised (1st semester, 2nd semester, 3rd semester, 4th semester, 5th semester and 6th semester) solved assignments,term-end exam notes, study materials, important questions, books/blocks (June-December) free download.
IGNOU BCA BCS-053 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers,important questions free download

IGNOU BCA BCS-053 5th semester Term-End Examination (WEB PROGRAMMING) books/block, term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper, important questions, study materials, previous year papers with solutions download.

S. No.

                       Topic with Solutions


Web Fundamentals


Style sheets


Introductions to XML


DOM and JavaScript


The Server Side Scripting




Guess Questions


Old/Previous years solved papers

(Dec. 2014, Dec. 2015, June 2016, June 2017, Dec. 2018)


WAP and WML        




1. (a) What are the advantages of using CSS foran  HTML document ? How can you link an external style sheet to an HTML document ? Explain how you can change the background colour of a web page using a style sheet.
(b) Create an XML document that stores the name (first name and last name), enrolment number and at least one phone number of a student. Create such information for at least two students.Create the DTD that validates the XML document created by you.
(c) Explain the concept of Document Object Model (DOM) with the help of an example.
(d) What is a cookie in the context of JSP ? Why is it needed ? Explain how a cookie can be set with the help of an example.
(e) List the steps that would be required to verify the username and password entered by a user on a login page to the information stored in a database, using JSP.

2. (a) Differentiate between the following :
(i) Static web pages and Dynamic web pages
(ii) 2-Tier architecture and 3-Tier architecture
(b) What is an exception in the context of JSP ? How are the exceptions handled using JSP ? Explain with the help of an example.

3. (a) Explain the features of the following Web 2.0 technologies :
(i) Blogging
(ii) Rich Internet Applications
(iii) Mashups
(b) Explain the Box Model of HTML with the help of a diagram. Why is this model needed ?

4. (a) What is the need of WML ? Explain any two elements of WML that can be used for input of data.
(b) What is the use of JSP directives ? Explain the page and include directives of JSP with the help of an example.

5. Explain the following terms with the help of a diagram or an example, if required :
(a) Methods of Result Set object
(b) Hidden fields in the context of session management
(c) GET method
(d) Events in the context of web programming
(e) Uses of < div > tag


1. (a) What is CSS ? Create a sample code to illustrate the external style sheet for yourweb page.
(b) Explain the difference between JSP Scriptlets, JSP Tags and JSP Directive.
(c) Design an HTML form which should allow to enter your personal data. (Hint : make use of text field, password field,check boxes, radio and submit button)
(d) Why do we need XML ? Also list the advantages of XML over HTML.

2. (a) What are cookies ? Write a program to create cookies to store User ID and password of the client on his/her machine.
(b) What are JDBC Driver(s) ? Name them and differentiate between Two and Three tier database access models.

3. Assume that there is a table which contains field names such as name, programme, course code
and grade. Write a program using JSP and JDBC to insert records into the database.

4. (a) What is WML ? Create a WML program which should include a table, an image, a
text paragraph and any two WML input elements.
(b) Write a JavaScript program to accept the first, middle, last names of the students and print them.

5. Differentiate between the following :
(a) Web widget and Desktop widget
(b) SVG and Canvas tag
(c) Details and Summary tag
(d) Inline stylesheet and Embedded stylesheet.


1. (a) Explain the use of table, anchor and form elements - password and field set tags of HTML with the help of an example each.
(b) Design a webpage using HTML and javascript in which the background colour of the page changes on the click of the button.
(c) Explain with the help of a diagram the lifecycle of a JSP page.
(d) Write a simple HTML/JSP code that handles the division by zero error. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

2. (a) Differentiate between the following :
(i) Client and Server Architecture
(ii) Static Webpage and Dynamic Webpage
(b) Assume that a database as a backend to a website exists with a table having fields :
Roll Number, Name, Programme code etc.Write JSP code sequence of steps to display the list of students with programme code "BCA".

3. (a) Explain the use of class selector and id selector in CSS and HTML with the help of an example.
(b) What is WML ? Design WML program to display the profile of an Employee having
attributes : Employee ID, Employee Name,Employee Age and Employee Designation.

4. An address book consists of addresses of contacts.A contact will have a contact name, contact
address, contact type (official, personal, family) and a number of phone numbers including home
phone and mobile phones.
(a) Write an XML document with at least two records for the requirements as above. Make suitable assumptions, if any.
(b) Write the DTD that validates the XML document created in part(a).

5. Explain the following with the help of an example/diagram in the context of web programming.
(a) HTML Document Object Model (DOM)
(b) Cookie
(c) DIV and span tags
(d) Rich Internet Applications

IGNOU BCA BCS-053 Term-End Examination (WEB PROGRAMMING) term-end exam notes Download   

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