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IGNOU BCA MCA MCS-012 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper important questions free downloads

IGNOU BCA second, MCA first semester MCS 012 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper, important question, exam study materials, most questions, old previous question paper with solution download and get excellent result. BCA MCA and PGDCA all semester new revised (1st semester, 2nd semester, 3rd semester, 4th semester, 5th semester and 6th semester) solved assignments,term-end exam notes, study materials, important questions, books/blocks, solved assignments (June-December) free download.

IGNOU BCA MCA MCS-012 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess paper important questions free downloads sunil poonia

IGNOU BCA MCA PGDCA MCS-012 1st and 2nd semester Term-End Examination (Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming) term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers, book/blocks, important questions, study materials download.

MCS 012 Term-End exam notes and study materials with solutions



Chapter: 1

The Basic Computer

Chapter: 2

The Representation

Chapter: 3

Logic circuit -1

Chapter: 4

Logic circuit- 2

Chapter: 5

Memory system

Chapter: 6

I/O technology

Chapter: 7

Instruction set and micro-operation

Chapter: 8


Chapter: 9


Chapter: 10

Assembly language

Chapter: 11

Assembly language program

Chapter: 12

Short notes

Chapter: 13

Previous years solved question papers: June 2012, June 2014, June 2015, June 2016, December 2016, June 2017, December 2017, June 2018, December 2018, June 2019

Chapter: 14

Sample question set




1. (a) Add the following using 8 bit signed 2's complement representation :
     (i) 25 and - 40
     (ii) 75 and 80
 (b) (i) How many errors correcting bits are required to send an 8 bit data using SEC code ?
         (ii) If a 4 bit data 1010 is received as 1011,how this error, at bit position b1 can be detected ?
 (c) Simplify the following functions in Sum Of Product (SOP) form by using K-map.
         F (A,B,C,D) =1:(0,2,4,6,7,8,10).
(d) A computer supports a virtual memory of 1 Giga Byte and physical memory of 64 Mega Bytes.          How many bits are needed to address the
     (i) virtual memory
     (ii) physical memory
(e) Consider two registers R1 and R2 having the following 4-bit binary values :
       R1 = 1100
       R2 =1010
Perform the following operations on R1 using R2.
   (i) Selective set
   (ii) Selective clear
  (iii) Selective complement
  (iv) Mask operation
  (f) Compare the following :
      (i) RAM Vs ROM
     (ii) DRAM Vs SRAM
(g) Write an 8086 Assembly Language Program to add 2 byte sized values stored in memory                     locations FIRST and SECOND, and store the result in location SUM.

2. (a) Differentiate the following : 
    (i) Hardwired control unit Vs Micro-programmed control unit.
   (ii) Unencoded micro-instructions Vs encoded micro-instructions.
(b) A computer has a 64 word RAM (1 word =16 bits) and a cache memory of 8 blocks (block size =     32 bits). Find the main memory word 25 in cache if :
     (i) Direct mapping is used
    (ii) Associative mapping is used
    (iii) 2-way set associative (2 blocks per set) mapping is used.

3. (a) Explain the following techniques for I/O operation :
      (i) Programmed I/O
     (ii) Interrupt driven I/O
(b) Explain the following terms with respect to hard disks.
    (i) Access time
   (ii) Bandwidth
  (iii) Rotation speed
(c) Find the average latency of a disk system whose rotation speed is 5000 RPM.

4. (a) Explain the following Addressing modes in Assembly language programming with the help of       an example each.
     (i) Register Addressing
     (ii) Indirect Addressing
    (iii) Relative Addressing
(b) List five important characteristics of RISC Architecture.
(c) What is a pipeline in a computer systems ? Illustrate its advantage using an Instruction pipeline.

5. (a) Write an assembly language program using 8086 assembly language to find the length of a string. Make suitable assumptions.
(b) Explain the following terms, giving an example/ diagram, if needed
   (i) Flip-flop
   (ii) Register
  (iii) Single precision floating point representation
  (iv) Multiplexer
   (v) Assembler
  (vi) Int 21 h
  (vii) Fetch cycle.


(a) IEEE floating point representation for single precision number uses the format as :
Sign bit (1 bit) Biased exponent (8 bits) Significant (23 bits) In this representation a floating point
number where 0 < E < 255 having any significant bits is equivalent to ± (1 . N) 2 (E -127) Using this format represent the following decimal numbers :
    (i) 0.375
    (ii) 7
Now using the representation perform the following operations :
  (i) 0.250 x 7
  (ii) 0.375 + 7

b) Explain the basic characteristics of RAID Level 3 and 4 disks.(5)
c) Give block diagram of DMA controller. How does CPU initialize the DMA transfer?
d) What is bus arbitration? Explain the Daisy Chaining and Polling schemes with the help of diagram for
e) Explain four differences between vertical and horizontal microinstruction formats.
f) Explain the following Data transfer instructions of 8086 with the help of an example for each:
g) Write a program for evaluating A + B * C – D/E using 2 and 3 address machine instructions.

a) Simplify the following Boolean function using SOP form, using K-Map. F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(5,8,10,12,13,14).
b) Explain the Hamming Error Correcting Code method for detecting and correcting single bit error in the
data, with the help of an example.
c) What are Micro Operations? Explain the four types of micro operations in digital computers.

a) Design 4 way interleaved memory.
b) Differentiate between RISC and CISC.
c) What is an arithmetic processor? Compare the co-processor with peripheral processors

a) The 8-bit registers, initially have the following values:
         AR = 10110110 BR = 10010101
         CR = 11100101 DR = 00111010
Determine the values in each register after the execution of the following sequence of micro-operations.
         i) AR ← AR Û¸ BR
        ii) BR ← CR (XOR) DR
       iii) DR ← DR - CR
       iv) CR ← AR + DR
Draw the logic
b) Diagram of a 3-bit ripple counter and explain its functioning.
c) Define the IEEE 754 floating point number standard giving the single and double precision floating point
number bits layout and bias of exponent. Also show an example each of addition and subtraction of two
floating point numbers.
5) Explain the following
        a) Master-Slave flip flop using J-k flip flop
        b) Wilkes control
        c) Instruction pipelining.
        d) Virtual memory
            MCS-012 Term-end Exam Important notes, Upcoming guess questions/papers, Old papers, Previous papers (With Solution)  Download                                                      


a. Explain four differences between vertical and horizontal microinstruction formats
b. Write an 8086 assembly language program that adds two two-digit unpacked BCD numbers.
c. Perform the following arithmetic operations on 8-bit numbers using 2’s complement notation. Indicate overflow / underflow, if any:
                  (i) -48-57   (ii) -75+48   (iii) 76-(-38) (iv) 96-88
d. Find the physical address of following segment: offset-
           i. SS:SP = 0100:0020h
           ii. DS:BX = 0200:0100h
          iii. CS :IP = 4200h:0123h
e. Write an 8086 assembly language program for adding an array of binary numbers.
f. What are decoders? Depict the logic diagram and truth table of a 3x8 decoder.
g. Represent the following numbers using IEEE 32-bit floating point format :
         (i) 5.73 x 10-11

a. What is assembler? Explain Function of Two pass Assembler.
b. The register of processor has following values :[10]
A L = 0011 0011 B L = 1100 1100 C L = 1111 1111 D L = 0000 0111 What will be the value of various registers after following operation are performed:
        i. Mask AL with DL
       ii. Increment CL
      iii. Selective set BL using DL
      iv. Shift Arithmetic left DL
       v. Add AL and BL and store result in AL
b. Write three differences between following
 Associative and set associative mapping in cache.
 Master slave flip flop and simple RS flip flop.
 Magnetic disk and CD-ROM.

a. Design a Flowchart for Programmed I\O & interrupt Driven I|O.
b. Discuss the microcode for Instruction cycle.
c. What is an Interrupt? Explain the step-by-step procedure to process can interrupt.

a. Write an 8086 assembly language program to computer the factorial of a number.
b. Differentiate between .COM and .EXE program.
c. Design and draw a 8 x 1 multiplexer using AND and OR gates and explain its working.

a. Explain any five addressing modes with examples.
b. Explain the instruction pipeline using an illustration. What are the various problems faced by instruction pipeline?
c. Explain the working of an ALU with the help of a diagram.

a. How are the problems in S-R flip flop removed in J-K flip flop? Explain the working of JK flip flop with the help of logic diagram and characteristics table.
b. What are the advantages of using large register file in these machines?
c. Explain the following:-
              i. Resolution
              ii. ALL and RETN
             iii. Register indirect
             iv. INT21h

a. Write 8086 program sort given five numbers in ascending order. Also Explain Any Two Directives of 8086 Architecture.
b. Explain the following 8086 microprocessor addressing modes with the help of an example each :
          (i) Direct      (ii) Register indirect       (iii) Indexed
c. Differentiate between Wilkes and hardwired control unit.
d. Compare the characteristics of unencoded micro-instructions to that of highly encoded micro-instructions.
e. A 4 bit data 1010 is received as 1011, how this error, at bit position b1 can be detected?
f. Simplify the following expression in SOP form using a K-map. F(A,B,C,D)=AB + BC + AD:
g. Design 4 bit arithmetic circuit using decoders and full adders.
h. Find the length of a SEC code and a SEC-DED Code for a 16 bit word data transfer.

a. A combinational circuit takes four bit input and output an odd parity bit for the input bits. For example, if input is 0001, the output is 0 as the number l's in the input string is odd; whereas for an input 0101, it output 1.
i. Draw the truth table for the proposed circuit.
ii. Use K-map to find the optimal expression for the output.
iii. Draw the resultant circuit using AND-OR-NOT gates.
b. Consider the register R1 has the value 01011010. Choose register R2 values to perform following operations on register Rl.
(i) Mark the upper four bits of R1 (ii) Insert the value 1100 as the upper four bits of R1 (iii) Clear R1 register (iv) Complement the lower four bits of R1.

a. Design Four bit Synchronous and Asynchronous Counter.
b. Explain SIMM and DIMM.
c. What is device driver? Differentiate between device controllers and device drivers.

a. Explain Function of I\O Interface.
b. Design a circuit of RAM of 128 X 8 sizes.
c. Write characteristics of RAID Level 1 and Level 3

5. Write Short notes on Followings:-
         a. PLA
         b. Flash Memory
         c. FAT and Inode
         d. Associative Memory      

IGNOU BCA, MCA, PGDCA MCS-012 1st semester, 2nd semester Term-End Examination (Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming) Download  

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