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IGNOU BCA ECO-01 term-end exam notes, upcoming guess papers, important questions free download

IGNOU BCA ECO-01 term-end exam notes, study materials, important questions, books/blocks download. If you are search ECO 01 term end exam notes or guide for help in your exam then you are right place. We provide BCA first semester term end exam notes, important questions, guess paper, guide book and old paper with solution or answer. You can download it for your exam preparation and good marks in your exam June- December session. 
IGNOU BCA ECO-01 term-end exam notes,upcoming guess papers,important questions free download

IGNOU BCA ECO-01 1st semester Term-End Examination (BUSINESS ORGANIZATION) books/block, term-end exam notes, upcoming guess paper, important questions, study materials, previous year papers download.

Term-end Exam notes, guide book, old paper with answer or solution download


Question Paper with solution

June 2019

December 2018

Chapter-1                 Basic Concept and Forms of Business Organisation

Unit-1 Nature and scope of business

Unit-2 Forms of business organization-l

Unit-3 Forms of business organization- ll

Unit-4 Business promotion

Chapter-2                                 Financing of Business

Unit-5 Method of raising finance

Unit-6 Sources of long-term finance and underwriting

Unit-7 Stock exchange

Chapter-3                                         Marketing

Unit-8 Advertising

Unit-9 Advertising media

Unit-10 Home trade and channels of distribution

Unit-11 Wholesalers and retailers

Unit-12 Procedure for important and export trade

Chapter-4                                   Business Services        

Unit-13 Banking

Unit-14 Business risk and insurance  

Unit-15 Transport and warehousing

Chapter-5                            Government and Business                                     

Unit-16 Government in business

Unit-17 Forms of organization in public enterprises

Unit-18 Public utilities




                                               PART A
1. Distinguish between any two of the following :
(a) Fixed capital and working capital
(b) Direct and indirect distribution channel
(c) Departmental store and supermarket
(d) Pledge and hypothecation

2. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Aids to trade
(b) International financial institutions
(c) Outdoor media
(d) Insurable risk

                                  PART - B
      Attempt any three of the following questions :
3. What do you mean by a company ? Explain its salient features.

4. Outline the characteristics of stock exchange.Describe its primary and secondary functions.

5. Define advertising and discuss types of media and their characteristics.

6. "Retailer is an important link in the supply chain of consumer goods." Elaborate by giving suitable

7. What is meant by insurance ? Explain briefly various types of insurances.

8. What is meant by public utilities ? Describe the distinctive features of public utilities.


                                     PART A
1. Attempt any four of the following :
(a) Distinguish between non - economic and economic activities of human beings.
(b) State the qualities of a good entrepreneur.
(c) Describe the methods of raising long - term capital.
(d) State briefly the rules for listing of securities on a stock exchange.
(e) Distinguish between advertisement and publicity.
(f) State channels of distribution of industrial goods.

                               PART - B
Attempt any three of the following questions :
2. What is meant by cooperative form of organisation ? Enumerate its main features.

3. What is meant by long - term finance ? Describe various sources of long - term finance.

. How does speculation differ from gambling ? State the various factors affecting prices of
securities in a stock exchange.

5. Explain the difference between functional and merchant middlemen. How do they help the
business activities ?

6. How do commercial banks contribute to the economic development of a country ? Explain.

7. State the merits and demerits of government participation in business.

IGNOU BCA ECO-01 1st semester Term-End Examination (BUSINESS ORGANISATION) term-end exam notes Download     

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