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(i) Node degree
(ii) Network diameter
(iii) Static interconnection network -
3. (a) What is the condition for compacting the instructions in a VLIW instruction word ?
(b) List the various visualization tools employed in performance analysis.
4. (a) Discuss the differences between Grid computing and Cluster computing.
(b) Discuss and explain the metrics for performance evaluations.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Amdahl's Law
(b) IA-64 Architecture
(c) Hyper Threading
(d) Benz Network
IGNOU MCA MCSE-011 5th semester term-end examination (PARALLEL COMPUTING) term-end exam notes Download
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1. (a) List the applications of parallel processing.
(b) Give the full form of each of the abbreviation and state whether True or False for the following.
(i) SISD can be characterised as Is > 1 & Ds >1.
(ii) SIMD can be characterised as Is > 1 & Ds =1
(iii) MISD can be characterised as Is =1 & Ds =1
(iv) MIMD can be characterised as Is >1 & Ds >1
(c) Differentiate between scalar & Vector processing.
(d) Explain various visualisation tools employed in performance analysis.
(e) Explain the concept of sorting in the combinational circuits.
2. (a) Discuss Handler's classification. Explain with an example.
(b) Use Bernstein's conditions for determining parallelism in the following segments.
S1: X = Y + Z
S2: Z = U + V
S3: R = S + V
S4: Z = X + R
S5: Q = M + Z
3. (a) Explain the following :
(i) Hyper threading
(ii) Architecture of IA 64
(b) Discuss and explain arithmetic pipeline for multiplication of two 8-digit fixed numbers.
4. (a) Explain the data structures used for parallel algorithms.
(b) Discuss the various message passing programming systems. Explain the commands to compile & running PVM programs.
5. (a) Explain the spin-lock & binary spin lock mechanism for synchronisation among concurrent processes.
(b) Discuss the various kinds of metrices involved for analysing the performance of parallel computers.
1. (a) What are Parallel Random Access Machines ? List the steps followed by PRAM model in executing an algorithm.
(b) Compare the Flynn's classification and structural classification, on relevant attributes.
(c) Why do we use MPI ? Discuss two features each of MPI - I and MPI - II.
(d) Elaborate two features of Unix as a multi-processor system, with suitable example.
(e) Illustrate the multi-statement FORALL.Construct with a suitable example.
2. (a) Discuss the Amdahl's law for measuring the speed-up performance.
(b) How is the performance judged on the basis of run-time behaviour ?
3. (a) What is grain size ? What are the different categories of grain size ? How do we classify
Parallelism on the basis of grain size ?
(b) Describe the advantages of parallel processing over sequential computations.
4. What is OpenMP and its application in Parallel Computing ? Discuss the different work sharing
constructs defined in OpenMP with suitable program examples.
5. (a) What are the different steps to write a general parallel program ?
(b) What are the advantages of threads over processes ?
(c) Discuss two applications of parallel computing, with appropriate illustrations.
1. (a) Explain dataflow computation model with an example.
(b) Discuss and explain Handler's classification.
(c) Explain the steps for compiling and running the PVM program.
(d) What are intrinsic functions ? Name any two of them.
2. (a) Explain Bernstein's condition and determine the parallelism in the following segment :
S1 :X=Y+Z
S2 :Z=U+V
S3 : R=S+V
(b) Define any two of the following terms :(i) Node degree
(ii) Network diameter
(iii) Static interconnection network -
3. (a) What is the condition for compacting the instructions in a VLIW instruction word ?
(b) List the various visualization tools employed in performance analysis.
4. (a) Discuss the differences between Grid computing and Cluster computing.
(b) Discuss and explain the metrics for performance evaluations.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Amdahl's Law
(b) IA-64 Architecture
(c) Hyper Threading
(d) Benz Network
IGNOU MCA MCSE-011 5th semester term-end examination (PARALLEL COMPUTING) term-end exam notes Download
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